This 2006 teen movie directed by Martha Coolidge follows sisters Ava Marchetta (Haylie Duff) and Tanzie Marchetta (Hilary Duff) as they navigate a scandal that strips them of their wealth and reputation. They are heirs to their late father's cosmetics company, which is being run by co-founder and interim CEO Tommy Katzenbach (Brent Spiner). When a media scandal ruins their father's reputation and devalues their company, it looks like Marchetta Cosmetics will have to be sold to competing brand Fabiella. The ditzy, self-centered girls are determined to clear their father's name and save the company, even though they're broke after their company assets are frozen and homeless after accidentally burning down their mansion. They eventually uncover the truth that Tommy orchestrated the scandal so the company would be sold to Fabiella, who had promised him a job. The movie ends with both girls dating cute, low-income boys and running their father's company themselves.
You know they're serious businesswomen because they're wearing blazers. |
What's different
Almost everywhere that this 2006 Hilary and Haylie Duff movie is mentioned online, there is a passing reference to its being loosely based on
Sense and Sensibility. I'm not sure I believe it, though, because honestly,
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a better adaptation than this.